Saturday, December 20, 2008

Realize talking about my struggles is boring and non-productive. Began an engraving of Edward Hopper, another Scoundrel. Hopper because despite his beautiful work, particularly in watercolor, seems to have been insecure enough to battle constantly with his wife Jo, to the point of dragging her out of their car and hitting her when she didn't learn driving as well as he wanted. (Gail Levin, Intimate Biography of Edward Hopper.) He may not make the final cut, but will be added to the group, as a seriously flawed yet productive individual. The engraving so far is seriously flawed as well. Although I have found that microwaving the Resingrave block for a minute at power level 7 softens the material, and makes it easier to carve, and produces less chipping. Today was spent shopping for watercolors in Richmond--limiting myself to 25 colors to take to Italy.

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