Preliminary drawing for Harry Flood Byrd, U.S. Senator from Virginia, and leader of the pols who opposed Brown v. Board of Education, coined the term "Massive Resistance" which lead to the closing of Virginia schools. He was politically powerful in Virginia politics, serving as the virtual gate keeper to anyone wanting to run for statewide office. Was a very skilled politician whose segregationist fervor was reprehensible—thus a scoundrel.
I thought I would keep this blog diary of my work as I embark upon an 8-month sabbatical working on relief engraving and painting. I realize it is a bit self-centered to post this to the world, but it may be worthwhile capturing my work, and making a record of my progress.
All images on this blog are copyright of the artist and may not be used without permission
In the Spring of 2009, I will be on sabbatical, working on paintings and relief engravings. Relief engraving is the "new" wood engraving—in that the traditional wood for engraving, Boxwood,is so scarce and expensive that it has been replaced with Resingrave, a synthetic resin which carves like wood at a much reduced cost, and sizes that can be larger than traditional wood engraving. My work will be on a series of portraits of historical scoundrels—individuals who have shown incredible industry and despotism within their lifetimes.
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